Fall is my absolute favorite season. I love everything about fall, the crisp smokey smell in the air, the crunching sound of dried leaves, the cool overcast weather that is warm enough to allow you to be outside if you want, but still cold enough to motivate you stay inside and snuggle by a fire. Not to mention the best clothing in the world are fall clothes.. cute boots, jackets, sweaters, knit dresses etc. All of these things help to get me in the mindset for Halloween and Thanksgiving. All of these traits of Autumn are magical, unless you live in Los Angeles where there is no such thing as Fall!!
This past weekend everyone was complaining about the rain and cloudy weather. However, I took full advantage of this weekend and stayed in sweats all day, turned on a fire with our seventiesesk switch-on fire place, baked yummy treats, knitted the scarf I've been working on for Tony for over 2 years and curled up with my cat and watched movies. It was the best weekend I've had in a long time. Having seen LA affected by Fall-like weather for 2 days, I got excited and assumed that this great weather would continue until I turned on the TV today and saw the damn weather report that says the rest of the week is going to by sunny and in the high 70s! Ewww Gross!
So in order to try and keep up the ritual of welcoming the best season ever, I am going to celebrate Fall in my own little controlled environment by doing the following things:
-Continue to wear Fall type clothes but modified to SoCal (i.e. scarves with short sleeve shirts, boots with skirts but no tights :(, light jackets and light sweaters.. maybe I can trick the universe into being colder?
-Buy the best seasonal Fall products stores have to offer, the wondrously amazing Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter and Pumpkin Ale and tiny drops of heaven otherwise known as Candy Corns
-Cook up Fall by making homemade apple cider, soups and stews served with hearty crusty bread, and dishes made with hearty squash
-Burn pumpkin and spice candles to create the illusion of Autumn smells
If anyone else feels the way I do, please feel free to celebrate your own personal Fall with any of the above ideas. In the meantime, I am going to do an "overcast rain dance" and keep my fingers crossed that the clouds come rolling in.