Wednesday, October 22, 2008

DIY Fall

For those of you that know me, you already understand my obsession with Fall and how the lack of of my favorite season can get me down. Sure it's nice to have 80 degree weather but during the months of October and November! However, I'm going on nearly 5 years of residency in Los Angeles and I feel I have finally mastered ways to create your own Fall:

1. Glade "Spice" Candles - these delightful sticks of wax create a "fallesk" aroma that can add a cozy aroma to any living space.

2. Hooray for Pumpkin Butter - Trader Joe's only stocks it's shelves with this magical substance during the Fall Season. My lovely friend Emily made my week by surprising me with a fresh can on my desk a few days ago. Pumpkin Butter on sourdough toast partnered with a cup of coffee makes a great start to any Fall day.

3. Cooking is key - It's amazing how you can evoke nostalgic feelings through food. Some of my favorite recipes that take my back to my childhood of jumping in piles of leaves and carving pumpkins include Veggie Chili (recipe to post soon) and cornbread, Roasted Root Vegetables, and any type of casserole dish (my favorite is Veggie Sheppard's Pie).

4. Speaking of Carving Pumpkins - By using any type of Gord or Pumpkin Carving as decoration, every time you walk through the door of your home, you will enter a mini-fall haven (even if it is 78 degrees outside). Above is a picture of the pumpkins my friends and I carved last year, mine is the second from the left and obviously the most child-like (drawing and carving was never my specialty.)

5.Dress to impress - There are easy ways to adapt a "fallish" outfit even in warm weather. Wear tights with shorts or dresses and a short sleeved t-shirt. Light cotton scarves can compliment any outfit and rotating in boots with dresses are a nice way to incorporate your favorite pair into your daily routine.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blast From the Past

Well, I guess I have not really followed up that well on my last posting! My apologies.. life and work have just seemed to take over. I just returned from a trip to the Bay Area to see my family and apparently just after I left, my mom was helping my grandmother clean out her garage and found an old suitcase of letters from my grandfather to his family and to her during the war.

My mom has been typing batches up and sending them to our family which as been really cool. His letter really capture the essence of the time and his phrases are filled with "Gee's" and "Swells." I can't for her to send one of his letter to her including one my mom found where he asks him mom and sister to pick out an engagement ring for my grandma that included a piece of twine he used to measure her finger. Reading these are just incredible, even though he isn't with us anymore I just feel connected to him again through them. I have included one below for your viewing pleasure....

Tues. Feb 24, 1942

434th Signal Maintainance Co.

Fort Wright

Spokane, Washington

Dear Folks;

How is everything at home? I am hoping that I receive a letter from you tomorrow. I realize though that it takes time for my letter to get to you.

Tomorrow, I believe that I will have a pass, and will be able to go into Spokane – what I will do when I get there is another question. All work and no play gets kind of tiresome. For one thin – I’m going to locate the Christian Science reading room & possibly go to church. Our passes are good any time when we are off duty. We have all day off on Sundays – so if I can drag myself from my comfortable bed early enough I will go to church as often as possible. I’ve got to make friends on the outside if I’m going to get along without being homesick. People that are the same as I am so to speak.

I don’t know how to explain it but, I seem to be living in a different world – a man’s world. At home I was kind of my own boss, with friends & my family. Here I can make friends & the army is supposed to be my family. (Nuts) I like girls (nice ones) that I can talk to & have good times with – and I’m going to do my best to do something about it. Through the church I believe I can make these contacts.

It’s just another adjustment in a guy’s life. This may sound like I’m low but believe me I’m not crying about it. A guy doesn’t do his thinking around here unless he’s told to. They do it all.

Ho! Ho! You ought to se me in a gas mask – I look really goofy. We are now getting training in gases & their effects. I should have had my second shots today but I’ll get them tomorrow, I guess. They don’t bother you until a couple of hours afterwards, then your arm gets kind of sore. Tell Mrs. Strom they are nothing to get excited about.

Well that’s about all I have on my mind right now – I’ll write again after I’ve heard from you. Write air mail & I’ll get it faster. (not all letters – just first ones.)

Tell Rob & Lauralice to write too & I do mean write.

