From the minute I moved to LA, I've wanted to go to the summer movie series at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. This past Sunday, I finally went and saw Valley Girl and It was such a wonderful and unique experience. The Hollywood Forever Cemetery is absolutely beautiful at night. The cemetery is filled with rolling lawns and flowers and the entire space is surrounded by the silhouette of palm trees. The tombstones are very "LA" in the sense that people are even trying to out do each other in the after life to see who can have the grandest grave site.
The film series are definitely dominated by hipsters as the whole environment can feel a bit "Coachella" at times, but as long as you can get past the sea of Ray Bans, pleather tights, and Whole Foods bags, you'll be fine. Once you get into the cemetery, it's all about finding that piece of prime real estate on the grass so you can be close to the mausoleum where they project the films. We scored an awesome spot (all thanks to the swiftness of our friend Andrea) and enjoyed a fine spread of sandwiches, brownies and red wine as we re-lived the prime of the 80s.
Valley Girl was like "awesome ya know" to see there and I would absolutely go back again for another screening.