So Halloween is on Wednesday but as usual, the Saturday before the big day there are plenty of drunken costume events to attend. My friend Angelica had a party where every lady attending had to come dressed as Amy Winehouse. Since I love Halloween and dressing up, I was happy to meet the challenge and pull together my best Amy Winehouse attire complete with bee hive wig, pounds of liquid eye liner and powdered sugar smudged nose.
So Saturday comes and before we went to Angelica's party, we have to make a stop at another Halloween party where one of Tony's bands was playing. I don't know why I didn't put two and two together before since the band we had to go see is a metal band, but when we got there I realized I was in the epicenter of a metal rock trash party. Everyone seemed to have the same costume theme.... Slut. I was a lone Amy Winehouse in a giant sea of slutty nurses, slutty fairies, slutty police and slutty angels. You name it, the girls added slut to the end. I mean, not that I'm trying to be old or prudish because when I was in college, sure I had my share of revealing costumes, but never ones where my whole ass was hanging out and barely covered by a pair of fishnets. And never did I wear a transparent shirt with stickers covering up my nipples.
Ahhh it was a classy event. Anyhoo, so I'm sitting on a couch with Tony (who is dressed as Amy Winehouse's husband but all scratched and beat up), and Jen (who is dressed like Lily Allen) and every two seconds some goth dude with chains and creepers or some drunk girl in one of the formentioned costumes above would come up to me and ask "ummmm like who are you supposed to be anyway?" Have these people seriously never heard of Amy Winehouse? I mean I'm wearing a bee hive wig and have the illusion of coke all over my face for God sakes!
I realized I needed to leave this party fast before the keg ran out of PBR and an angry mob of white trash swept through the party kickin' ass. We eventually went to Angelica's and everyone there definitely appreciated my costume. After that I came home, spent a good 30 minutes stripping of layers of eyeliner. Halfway through the deconstructing process, I realized that I totally looked like a drag queen. Thankfully, Tony snapped this picture below to capture this look.