- Wear dirty mismatching clothes from the early 90' with a pair colorful Nike's and not wash their hair for 2 weeks and assume it's hip.
-Constantly bump into people and not apologize...when you become a hipster do you loose depth perception?
-Document every single second of a show with a digital camera even if blinds the people around them.
-Get into ridiculous fights with gay men.
So to note on that last point. We are all laughing, dancing, having a great time when all of a sudden this aggro hipster dude starts screaming at a group of uber fashionable gay men and starts up a fight for no apparent reason. There was pushing, there was shoving and it totally ruined the light hearted " I just want to dance my ass off" mood. Tony and Josh being the good guys they are, jumped into break it up to try and end the scuffle quickly so we could all get back to enjoying the show, but of course that only opened up a can hipster worms and led to Muhammad Ali's drunken girlfriend stumbling through an explanation repeatedly about how her boyfriend was a "crazy Palestinian" and how "he'd fuck them up." After the fashionable gay men got kicked out, and the crazy hipster Palestinian dude returned to his drunk girlfriend to make out, the mood was sort of spoiled and we all called it a night. Next time I go to see Justice, I will tell them not to invite their annoying hipster friends.

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