Road rage is a very common thing in the City of Angels and there is nothing angelic about it. I'm not one to talk, on my five mile drive to work, I often find myself yelling "Really Dude" at the various obstacles in my way.. old men in BMWs reading the newspaper while driving two miles an hour, douche bag agents on their headsets running through stop signs.. and even though I hate to admit it, the ocational crossing guard who helps school children cross the road but keeps me at a stand still for a good five minutes.
I understand the antsy-ness we all get in our cars, we all feel invisible through our thick steel doors and plated glass windows. But something happened today on my drive that I don't understand. As I was driving down Olympic ( a wide three lane road) the car behind me for some reason felt that my going 50 in a 40 zone wasn't fast enough and proceeded to ride my ass for several blocks. He then tried to swerve to the right lane and pass me there. Now, I can't see the driver in question but I'm imaging that they fit one of two scenarios:
A) A middle aged a-hole in a Maserati who feels the need to show off the power of his car to feel comfortable with his bald head and beer belly, or
B) A tiny blonde LC wannabe in a Mercedes on her cell phone who's recapping last nights episode of American Idol and just isn't paying attention to the road at hand.
But it's neither, the answer is C) a very flamboyant man with a tall head of hair and blonde highlights to high heaven, driving a Saab Convertible with a tiny Terrier in his lap.. that's right a Terrier! This man as he drives past me to cut me off is yelling and his Terrier is barking and scolding me too. It was the host hilarious sight I think I have seen. This is the first time I have experienced road rage from a queeny owner and a queeny dog simultaneously. God.. I love LA