Monday, June 18, 2007

I Think I'm in Love

Today, I hit a milestone in my adult life. I purchased my very first new car. Gretchen the GTI has already brought much joy to my life. It's amazing the things that come standard with a car these days. My past car Pepe the Camry (God rest his soul) was a great and reliable car but after driving that car for so many years, I was amazed at any new features just above a cup holder. This is me.... "wow these keys come with one of them new fangled buttons that locks and beeps."

Gretchen purs like a kitten, rides like a cadi, and drives like a race car.... I think I love her.

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Anonymous said...

i'm jealous! so cute!

Perfik said...

Pepe isn't dead, you just got rid of upgraded leaving a poor old car with 78k miles to some stranger. Pepe is probably giving head to a Jeep Cherokee for spare change in an alley in San Bernardino hating life.