So today at my current job, it was one of our head honchos last days. In honor of his last day, someone went to Toast and picked up some cupcakes to celebrate his departure. After he did a little speech, a few of us were standing around chatting and he proceeded to reach towards me (at which point I am confused for what he is reaching for) and takes a chunk of my chocolate cupcake with his fingers and then eats it! Who does this?! Even if Tony did that I would be disgusted but someone in management.. come on?! That's like having someone lick your slice of pizza or stick their finger in your jar of peanut butter!!! I don't get it if it was supposed to be an endearing thing... where we are like family and he felt it was okay to do since we are all so "close?" Or maybe it was a "this is my last day so I can do whatever I want thing." Regardless, it was nasty and ruined the appeal of my chocolate cupcake with chocolate sprinkles. I don't even think Lumbergh would have done such a disgrace to Milton! LUMBERGH!

i know of an executive (who shall remain nameless) at my old corp gig who used to pick at peoples food if it was near his office...i mean like peoples personal lunches that were waiting for them after they finished a meeting...totally rude and gross
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