So to be a supportive wife, I accompanied my husband to Bamboozle this past weekend in Irvine. For those of you that don't know, Bamboozle is the worst music festival on the face of the planet. It was held in the parking lot of the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater (meaning you are standing on hard concrete all day long) and there is little shade. Not only is this music festival set up horribly, but the line up was terrible. On Saturday while Tony conducted interviews for his acts, I was forced to listen to bands like Story of the Year, New Found Glory and Reel Big Fish. Now don't get me wrong.. when I was a teenager, I was a fan of bands like New Found Glory and Reel Big Fish.. but now they are too old and too fat to be performing wearing bro shorts and wife beaters. Aside from the 2 hours I got to watch fairly decent bands like Jimmy Eat World, Alkaline Trio and Face to Face, I wanted to impale myself of some spikey OC Bro hair. Here are some "lowlights" from Bamboozle...
-Bro shorts and black socks that go on for days
-Trashy women with chunky blonde highlights and Rocket Dog Platform flip-flops who brought their BABIES to Bamboozle.. REALLY.. YOUR BABY AT BAMBOOZLE.. REALLY?!
-New Found Glory BUTCHERING Bob Dylan's hit " It Ain't Me Babe"... shame on you New Found Glory.. shame on you
-Emo kids who think it's okay to smoke cigarettes when the crowd is packed in like sardines. I love when my hair smells like smoke and when 16 year olds accidentally ash on my arm!
All in all... I was very thankful to return to our hotel room after the days events. However, I had to leave once to attend an even crappier after party that smelled like trash and served bottom shelf vodka and fruit punch chasers. The festival was held on Sunday too, but based on my experience from the previous night, I chose to drop Tony off and go shopping at South Coast Plaza instead. Wish I had thought of that on Saturday!
this sounds like it would have been hilarious if we were with you. if only i had some rocketdog platform flipflops (to be fair, i think i used to own a pair).
we were at the long beach aquarium viewing pretty much the same crowd---dads carrying their kids around wearing shirts that said "fuck the world," and pretty much the fattest babies i've ever seen drinking strawberry yoo hoos in their bottles.
MC.. You are hilarious.. I miss you!
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